Working Your Core at Home with Pilates in Battersea
We All need a Stronger Core – What is the most effective way to build the Strength?
We All need a Stronger Core – What is the most effective way to build the Strength?
Pilates at Home – Your Mat Based Pilates Programme (Beginner, Progressive & Elite Variations) With varitations of each movement, this mat based Pilates session is great for everyone, no matter
Build the Core Endurance; Stay in Control & Maximise your Benfits This session is designed to fit into your busy day, juggling kids, working from home and life or maybe
Ready for the next level of challenge – 20 minute home session Today we have 6 key exercise for you to do at home to switch up your routine. If
Build Your Pilates Routine & Improve Your Core Strength It is always great to change your routine – it means your body is challenged with new exercises and allows your